Safety is our number one priority, so in case the weather conditions do not live up to our limitations, you will be notified in due time (usually two hours before departure), in case the flight can not be conducted. Since the general purpose of our flights are sightseeing, we, as well as our guests, always want weather conditions that are much better than the legal limit, so we will also take into account the weather's impact on your experience, to give you the most memorable flight possible. We will advise you in that regard based on our own personal experience.
Payments are made at the time of booking. We accept domestic and international issued debit and credit cards. If booked in person at one of our locations, we also accept exact cash payments in the local currency DKK, EUR, or USD. Foreign currency cash payments are based on the listed price in DKK, converted with the daily exchange rate.
Please note that the following maximum fees, for physical payments, are in effect with the following debit/credit cards:
For online payments a fixed fee of 1,5% applies on all cards.
The fee is added to the listed price.
For orders by an agent (5> pax), groups above 5 pax, cruise ships, transfer flights, recco-flight and in general other flight operations than sightseeing in a local area:
For bookings made by an agent for <5 pax:
Only the pilot in command can determine whether or not the flight is possible or needs a delay/cancellation. If AirZafari cancels before takeoff then the guests receive a 100% refund.
Route changes or delays will be coordinated with the guests beforehand.
Please note that when booking, we confirm your booking request, but the flight will not be confirmed until the minimum of passengers requirement has been met or there has been a confirmation from an AirZafari employee in writing.Weather updates will be given on the day of the flight and it will be the pilot in command who will determine whether or not the weather is applicable for the flight.
AirZafari cannot be held accountable for missed flights, excursions or anything related to their flight/delay or cancellation. Participants are joining the flight of their own free will and with responsibility for their own time and inquiries.
If the guests book through an agent then the communication is between them and the customer service will be that of the agent.
A helicopter flight is not operated by AirZafari. Customer service, terms and conditions will be that of the other operator.